my world when I'm awake. my thoughts when I don't procrastinate.

Thursday, December 31, 2009



I have not updated for a while..
I got into my studying mode and focused, well tried super hard to focus on my finals. and MEH. let's not talk about that.

I'm so excited 2010 is here. NEW BEGINNING everyone loves that.

I'm liking the fact that my new term will begin and I'll have a whole new chance on boosting up my GPA. really wanna get into Optometry, and I need to start shadowing too.

I went to Las Vegas from Dec 21-Dec 25.. and it was awesome. Will make a post on that soon.

AND THEN when I came back me and Doris went mad shopping and I bought a snowboard that I've been eyeing since a month or more ago but they didn't have the length that I needed. BUTTTT when Tony, Doris and I went to another location they had it!! So now I have a snowboard. HEHEHEHEHHEHE. <3

I went snowboarding on the monday (Dec 28) and THANK YOU HUNG, NATY and ANTHONY!! I know how to get up from my snowboard when I fall now, and move.. properly.. I'm still learning but I'm loving it. Going to Jasper with Amanda and her friends January 22-24 to snowboard.

(my snowboard design upclose, my snowboard.. and my snowboard.) :D

Finally, one of my life goals achieved. HEE HEE.

anyways, I'm gonna keep this short. Doris and I are going to work at Shaw Conference tonight, there's a NYE party and we get to make money. =D

Happy New Years and stay healthy!! <3


ahem` said...

I am sooooo jealous you can go snowboarding! We can only go SANDboarding here and um, I don't think it's as fun as snowboarding, cos we usually do it in a bloody hot weather T_T

Nice boards btw!!!

Donna Bong said...

thank you thank you thank you.. its so pretty. but no one can see the bottom of my board. ONLY when I fall and sit down and that happens alot still! hahaha

YOU SHOULD GO SURFING!!! It'll be sooo much cooler cos you'd fall into the water and that would be a better workout too! :D

ahem` said...

I went surfing once and I thought I was gonna die, LOL. Seriously, I was trapped under my board and I couldn't push the board up from the bottom cos of the "physics" of water whatsoever so by the time I swam to the side and got up to the surface, I was half dead already T_T

But still, it was a superb experience and I can at least tell people that I went surfing before :P